Wednesday, 14 September 2011


I'm Samantha, more commonly known as Sam or Sami. I work in real estate by day and by night, I write. Some might call me a hobby writer, I tend to feel that to be a hobby writer, you need certain skills. I profess to have no such skills. My writing rarely makes sense to anyone but me, but this is because I write the first thing down that comes into my head. I don't stop to think, I just put my hands on my keyboard and type my heart into my writing.

There's a certain level of safety in writing on a blog. Many who may pass by will likely never know me or pass through my life. As a result, the freedom is there to write about anything you choose. Anything that touches your heart and compels you to write.

This happens to me on a fairly regular basis. Most of my writings get tucked away in a file marked personal and are never seen by anyone but myself.

So what happens when I come across a topic that brings me out of the shadows and onto this blog? Simple, the result is this very blog.

Over the course of it, I will be exploring the cause and effects of feminism in today's society. How it has affected men and women all across the globe and how we would benefit from bringing it down to its knees.

I repeat, my writings rarely make sense to anyone but me. If you happen to stumble across this blog, I can only tell you that much of what you read will be my own musings and opinions. My own thoughts and heart. Indeed, the window to my soul. You will learn about instances in my life that I have never shared with anyone. You will learn the truth that may be hard to face, but it is truth none the less. My words may hurt, my words may cause offence, but I will never shy away from opening my mouth and telling the truth.

In silence we can close our eyes and pretend the world around us isn't failing. Silence needs to be broken. Eyes need to be opened. The truth needs to be heard.

Don't believe me when I say that feminism is damaging? Don't believe me when I say that women are not the poor little victims and innocent little creatures they make themselves out to be? When you tell me there are men in this world who are bad to the bone, will you believe me when I tell you there are as many women, if not more so, who are worse?

In many cases, women can be compared to hurricanes, tornadoes and a variety of other natural disasters. It doesn't matter how they show up or where, but you can guarantee, wherever they have been, whenever they leave, they leave a trail of destruction in their path.

Still don't believe me? Well, that's what this blog is for and if I can change just one woman's views on feminism, if I can stop even just one woman from heading down that path, then bearing my soul and starting this blog will have been worth it.

Have a good one



  1. New blog huh? Don't worry, you're doing great. What you said about mothers and feminism was fascinating, and for many kids all too descriptive. Sadly feminism has become all-pervasive nowadays; so much so we don't even notice.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog.

  2. Thank you :) I appreciate that.


  3. Same here.

    Anonymous age 69 (believe it or not I am known by that name on many blogs, changes on my birthday)

  4. Thank you. I appreciate it :)

    I'll remember to wish you a happy birthday as soon as it changes.


  5. Keep it up! We need more good women in the fight.

  6. Thank you :) It's a fight I gladly join.

