Wow, that's....quite a few hits since this morning. I never expected this. I'm truly touched. Thank you to all who've read and even commented. I feel like I should apologise to you all now, because it seems there may be the occasional vent in between more serious posts. But the tone will still be the same. Serious or in need of venting, it's all feminism. So I apologise up front for the interspersed venting posts.
With that said, I need the venting space for now.
There's a good reason why I avoid women. That again became apparent today. There's a woman I work with who is a self admitted man hater. She's a hard core feminist and frankly, she scares the ever living bejeesus out of me. She could easily squish me. I'm tiny compared to her.
I sometimes wonder if there's a bet going on between hard core feminists to see who can be the biggest and most boorish.
I do not get these people. I cannot, under any circumstances mesh with them. They just....*headdesk* There is something wrong with them, seriously. I can't understand how they can call themselves feminists and in the same breath, call themselves women. It's embarrassing to my gender.
Anyway, today was no different to any other day. She was just as loud as always, just as vocal. I have lost count of the number of times she has smugly announced she doesn't need a man in her life, or slammed her ex husband as a worthless lowlife. And this woman is raising 3 boys, alone, that's a scary thought.
She prides herself in not needing a man, not wanting a man. She openly says that women are superior in every way. Women do not need men for anything. Etc etc etc, yada yada yada, blah blah blah.
What's even more frustrating is her blatant rudeness and smug, superior attitude towards both the men I work with and the male customers. Today was no different and my boss does nothing to call her out on this because whether I like it or not, the cold hard truth is that she is good at the job. She genuinely is.
It's's frustrating. I'm currently debating how to call her out on it this time.
Maybe I should see if I can make her turn that very interesting shade of puce I've seen her turn before. That could at least provide me with some amusement and an odd sense of gratification.
Ok, vent over.
"Words like feminism or democracy scare me. They are words with barnacles on them, and you can't see what's underneath." ~William Collins~
Well you could point out that males are highly important, as evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of life forms on earth reproduce using a male/female system. (I'm not sure what your personal beliefs are regarding our origins, but hers are almost certainly to include a belief in evolution.)
ReplyDeleteKnowing that the vast majority of advanced life forms use this process begs the question of why? The only possible answer is that such a system must confer advantages to the life forms that use it. And it does. It ensures genetic diversity (what feminist doesn't love that word?). It also enables the species employing it to change in response to changing environments far quicker and more successfully than life forms which do not employ it (basically a core component of the process of evolution).
Scientists have found that there are in fact species which formerly used a male/female pattern in which the males no longer exist. The species has lived for some vast amount of time in a habitat which has not altered much. However what they found is that when such species were forced to co-exist with perhaps a closely related species, the female-only species was very uncompetitive in comparison to the species still using a male/female scheme, expecially when changes were made to the environment they lived in.
A further fact you could point out to her is that human males have in fact evolved more than human females, as evidenced by the finding that the y chromosome differs more from that of our nearest relation the chimpanzee, as compared to the x chromosome. The points to the truth of the matter being that males are highly important in the scheme of things, as well as providing some explanation for such commonly observed phenomenon as males being innately innovative and inventive compared against females.
Perhaps you should introduce her to one or two of these issues and report back...
Oh believe me, I have tried on a regular basis. Though possibly not quite as scientifically put as this.
ReplyDeleteIt's like talking to a brick wall.
I'm loving the chimpanzee reference. I'm definitely going to use that one in my next confrontation with her.
Thanks for commenting :)
I bet this woman you describe is deep down, I mean really deep down, hurting and is secretly crying out for a good man. I say this because I've seen people of both sexes spew such contempt before, only to find the 'perfect' man/woman and suddenly the hate stops.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, the ones I pity are those poor sons of hers. Hasn't this ignorant woman realised that eventually her sons will be men too, men who may not thank their mother for any emotional damage inflicted by the one supposed to protect them?
You know, I always try to look for the good in people, sometimes a lot harder than they deserve, but in this case, no, she's not hurting or crying out. She really just is this proud to be this anti men. She really does have an unbearably arrogant high opinion of herself and women in general.
ReplyDeleteI doubt she ever will realise this and I honestly feel sorry for her sons. I really do. She scares the bejeesus out of me and I don't even have to live with her or be the opposite gender, so I dread to think what it must be like for them, yeesh.
Thanks for commenting :)
Why would you try to convince her? Obviously she is set in her ways.
ReplyDeleteHer sexism should be reported to higher-ups. As a woman you probably have more power than any man at work to report these issues.
Convince? I doubt anyone could.
ReplyDeleteCall out and not put up with it? That's the difference isn't it.
I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of the issues. She's very vocal and generally just loud. The problem is though that she is good at her job, so the grounds for writing up a report on her or firing her become very slippery. I wouldn't put it past her to sue for unfair dismissal.
Thanks for commenting :)
I keep this essay on HD, and whenever I encounter some mentally ill woman who can't think of anything good to say about men, I post it. Feel free to use, paraphrase, or completely rewrited.
How many times a day do you hear that men are just plain no good and the planet would be better off without them? Ten times a day? A hundred times a day?
Any woman who can find nothing good to say about men is mentally ill, when we examine the evidence all around us; over us; under us. The very fact most women even exist is a direct result of the work of men, and I do not mean supplying genetic materials.
Walk over to the window and look out. Everything you see out there was either made or invented by men, and usually both made AND invented by men.
The streets. The street lights. The sidewalks. The cars; trucks; and motorcycles driving by. The electric wires. The telephone wires. The cable TV wires. The water pipes under the ground. The sewage pipes under the ground. The storm sewers. Anything else you see out there that is made by humans was invented or made by men.
The floor or carpet you walked on to get to the window was almost certainly installed by men. The window was installed by men. The wall the window is in was installed by men. The foundation of the building was installed by men.
The electrical wires in your building were installed by men. The telephone was invented by a man. The computer and its software you are using to read this was invented by men.The climate control which keeps you comfortable was invented and developed by a man.
If everything made or invented by men were removed, you would be looking at native plants from the entrance of your cave. And, you would be hungry and cold and wearing rabbit skins.
If you want to see what it’s like when women are in charge, visit your local slum, preferably at midnight if you dare. Every town over 10,000 people has a well known place like this.
The yards will be unmowed and littered with junk. Houses will be boarded up. Burned cars will be lying in the streets. Nobody has a job; except for prostitution; pimping; burglary; and dealing drugs. Every house you see is a female headed household.
Find the best part of your town, where the streets are clean, the yards are well maintained; the houses are in great shape. Most of these houses belong to male headed households.
For forty years, every male has had to listen daily to a litany of male failings and evils. Yet, everything I have written here is absolute truth.
Anonymous age 69
Absolutely agree! I always say the world we live in was built by the blood and sweat of men. The luxeries we enjoy, the simple everyday things we take for granted, all can be found having started with men.
ReplyDeleteThe freedom we (women, we) enjoy, however, was started by women. And by freedom I mean the ability to be able to go to work and vote and things like that, but the actual world itself we owe to men.
Oops, posted too soon. Thank you, I'll definitely be using that, even if it's just for my own writing in the future, so thank you.